Scientific and technical groups and circles

Scientific and technical circles work at the department:

  • “Internet of Things and Information Technologies”, the head of the circle Kurdecha V.V.

The student scientific circle “Internet of Things and Information Technologies” of scientific and technical direction is a voluntary association of students, which was created for organizational and educational work and is located on the property of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky” .

The aim of the Circle is to increase the level of knowledge on the subject of the Internet of Things and information technologies of bachelors and masters in ensuring the unity of educational, scientific and cognitive work of students, the formation of knowledge of new technologies and trends in infocommunications.
Tasks of the Circle:
– creation of favorable conditions for effective and scientific-cognitive activity of students;
– assistance in identifying the most capable and talented students inclined to scientific work;
– systematization of theoretical knowledge acquired by students from the Internet of things and information technologies and reproduction, interpretation and use in scientific and cognitive activities;
– generalization, analysis and presentation of the results of students’ own research activities during the preparation of publications, reports at scientific conferences and seminars, in the process of creating optional special courses in information and telecommunications disciplines by graduate students and teachers of information and telecommunications networks;
– activation of creative abilities of students in writing scientific papers, which determines the readiness to create fundamentally new ideas based on a combination of quality technical education and knowledge;
– use of documentary sources and literature for scientific research;
– preparation of student youth for independent scientific and creative activity.

During the 4 years of its existence, more than 30 ITS students became members of the circle. Members of the circle have repeatedly been winners of All-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions of student research papers. The members of the circle prepared more than 70 publications on scientific topics. Students have the opportunity to join the scientific work of the department, which contributes to the deepening of knowledge, experience and practical skills. As well as the possibility of conducting experimental research in the preparation of bachelor’s and master’s theses.

The student scientific circle “Internet of Things and Information Technologies” invites everyone to its ranks!

Research groups:

  • “Big data, processing and analysis services” (head Globa LS).
  • “Quality of operation and reliability of complex technical systems” (supervisor Mogilevich DI).
  • “Quality management systems for the provision of services in information and communication systems” (head Skulish MA).