
Science-intensive technologies of optimization and management in infocommunication networks: monograph / Under the general editorship of V.M. Bezruka, L.S. Globy, OE Strizhak. – Kyiv: Institute of Gifted Children of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2019. – 194 p. ISBN 978-617-7734-02-3
The monograph presents the current results of research by a number of authors on science-intensive technologies of optimization and management in infocommunication networks. Some features of methods of multicriteria optimization of systems taking into account a set of quality indicators are considered. Examples of solving optimization problems are given, which illustrate the practical features of using the considered methods in the multi-criteria selection of optimal design options for different types of communication facilities. Features and results of solving control problems in the transmission and processing of information for different types of infocommunication networks are considered.

Larysa Globa, Rina Novogrudska, Alexander Koval and Vyacheslav Senchenko. Examples of Ontology Model Usage in Engineering Fields, Ontology in Information Science Ciza Thomas, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.74369
The proposed research deals with the improvement of engineering knowledge classification and recognition by means of ontology usage. Ontology model allows structure information as well as to raises the effectiveness of search. Research describes the development of ontology models for engineering knowledge in Internet portal and modeling system for the classification and recognition of marine objects. The ontology model usage for the engineering knowledge portal development allows to systematize data and knowledge, to organize search and navigation, to describe informational and computational recourses according to the meta-notion standards. The description of modeling system subject domain is based on ontology that allows to realize the recognition of marine objects based on their parameters.

Mathematical methods of analysis and management of telecommunication networks: monograph / L.S. Globa, O.M. Dyadenko, A.YU. Pylypenko, М.А. You whine. –K .: NNITS NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2017. –284 p. information flows within the telecommunications system.

Globa LS, Gvozdetska NA, Prokopets VA, Stepurin OV, Approach to energy efficient scheduling of tasks in a server cluster to optimize data traffic processing.
Science-intensive technologies in infocommunications. Information processing, cybersecurity, information warfare. Monograph, edited by prof. Bezruka VM, prof. Barannyk VV, NIST-2017

Larysa Globa, Rina Novogrudska, Alexander Koval and Vyacheslav Senchenko. Ontology for Application Development, Ontology in Information Science Ciza Thomas, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.74042

Globa LS, Development of information resources and systems, (Volume 1: “Distributed systems”, “Distributed systems. The concept of distributed environment”, “Communication”, “Processes”, “Naming”, “Synchronization”), Kyiv , Polytechnic Publishing House, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2014, 376 pages. The textbook outlines the methodological foundations for building distributed information and telecommunications systems and environments, including Internet-based, also approach ode to the promotion of information resources of companies in search engines.

Globa LS, Development of information resources and systems, (Volume 2: “Consistency and replication”, “Fault tolerance”, “Information protection”, “Distributed object systems”, “Distributed file systems”, “Distributed document systems” , “Distributed Reconciliation Systems”, “Search Systems”), Kyiv, Polytechnic Publishing House, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2014, 365 pages.

L.S. Globa and others. Computer ontologies and their use in the educational process. Theory and practice .: Monograph / – K .: Institute of the Gifted Child, 2013. – 310 p.
The monograph outlines the basics of creating information-software and methodological tools for building ontological models of description of objects and processes of subject areas in the formation of a common network of knowledge. The principles and means of solving current problems of improving the effectiveness of the research process of talented young people are described, including scientific and methodological principles and modern information technologies that provide the development of a formalized system of knowledge in specific subject areas. Methods of conducting interdisciplinary research using certain ontologies are determined. Examples and fragments of ontological data processing (OOD) programs are given, which are part of the toolkit and support the process of automated construction of ontological structures.

Science-intensive technologies in infocommunications: processing and protection of information: a collective monograph / under. ed. V.M. Безрука, В.В. Barannika.- H .: SMITH Company, 2013, 308 p.
The collective monograph contains materials on topical areas of science-intensive infocommunication technologies. Issues of planning and management in infocommunication networks, efficient storage, processing, intellectualization of infocommunication space, pattern recognition, distributed information processing and cloud computing, multidisciplinary coding, cybersecurity and information control using infocommunications are considered.

A systematic approach to the analysis and design of complex systems. System project: (scientific monograph) / L.K. Голышев. – Kyiv: NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2011.-555 p
The book is devoted to the presentation of the theoretical foundations and methodology of the systems approach as a tool for analysis and design of complex systems. Contains the basic ideas, concepts, methodology of system design and its use in the development of a complex system, in particular, at the stages of research, analysis and synthesis. Much attention is paid to the consideration of new, little-studied problems of system design of complex systems that arise in the design and creation of large-scale systems similar to modern telecommunications, computer, technological and other systems. It is intended for senior students of engineering specialties in the field of “Computer Science”, graduate students and researchers whose specialization is related to the implementation of systems research and projects.

Conceptual design of information-analytical systems for complex administrative structures of the strategic level of management: LS Globa, LK Golyshev, M.Yu. Ternova: Nauchn. monograph.-K .: GP “Information and Analytical Agency”, 2009.-340 p
The book is devoted to the problems of support of system-analytical activity, in the direction of designing and creating large-scale information (information-analytical) systems (IS, IAS) in the structure of some target system (CA). information-logical model of the system, conceptual design of databases, organization and processing of information flows in the system.

Collection of problems on the theory of random processes and its applications in financial mathematics and risk theory / DV Gusak, OM Kulyk, YS Mishura, AY Pylypenko. – Kyiv: Kyiv University Publishing and Printing Center, 2008. – 287p.
The collection of problems is a guide to the course of the theory of random processes and related special courses for the specialties “mathematics”, “statistics”, “applied mathematics”. The tasks in the collection have different degrees of complexity and are designed for readers who are at different stages of mastering the theory of random processes. The collection contains a number of problems of the theoretical plan and problems of increased complexity, which can be useful for students and graduate students who are engaged in in-depth study of the theory of random processes and its applications. Some sections contain the application of the theory of random processes to the problems of financial mathematics; a separate section is devoted to problems in risk theory.

OI Ladyk, OM Lebedev. “Fundamentals of discrete circuitry”: method. instructions for execution. laboratory and counter. works for students. tech. spets.-K .: NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2008.
The purpose of the manual is to assist students in the study of parameters and volt-ampere characteristics of semiconductor electronic elements using electrical measuring instruments. The manual provides a method of studying the parameters of the elements when working in the nodes of the equipment – amplifiers and electronic keys ah: choice of “rest” point, calculation of static and operating parameters of elements, conditions of providing undistorted amplification in amplifiers and high-speed electronic keys, and also frequency and time parameters. transistors and their research in different modes of operation, which will provide a link between theory and practical skills and is an important factor in modern training of engineers.

Lebedev OM, Ladyk OI Fundamentals of microcircuitry method. instructions. – K .: Polytechnic, 2008. – 60 p.
Modern requirements for telecommunications engineers are based on sound scientific and technical knowledge and skills to solve practical problems, including the study of physical processes in the elements of telecommunication systems and networks. , WorkBench, MathLab, MathCad, and physical modeling and measurement of parameters by control and measuring devices on the basis of modern techniques. The purpose of methodical instructions is to render assistance to students in research. parameters and characteristics of semiconductor ICs with the use of electrical measuring instruments. methods will ensure the consolidation of theoretical and lecture material on the devices for measuring the parameters of the IC and their study, which will provide relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge, which is an important factor in modern training engineers.

Investigation of the properties of bipolar and field-effect transistors: Method. instructions for execution. labor. works for students. tech. special higher textbook lock / Compiled by: Ladyk OI , Lebedev OM – Kyiv: NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2006 – 120 p.
The purpose of the manual is to assist students in the study of parameters and volt-ampere characteristics of semiconductor electronic elements with the use of electrical measuring instruments. The method involves finding the parameters of the elements both by measuring and calculating the static characteristics, as well as the study of the effect of temperature on the static characteristics and parameters of the elements. The manual provides a method of studying the parameters of the elements when working in hardware – amplifiers and electronic keys: the choice of “rest”, calculation of static and operating parameters of elements, conditions for undistorted gain in amplifiers and high-speed electronic keys, as well as frequency and time parameters.

LS Globa. Textbook “Mathematical foundations of information and telecommunication systems” for students majoring in 8.092401 “Telecommunication systems and networks” // K .: NTUU “KPI”, 2006. – 356 p.Mathematical methods of analysis of information flows and architectures of modern information and telecommunication systems are given, namely: mobile communication systems of modern contact centers and territorially distributed information systems. The basics of the complex methodology of synthesis of the optimal structure of the distributed, in particular in the Intranet network, information environment and the analysis of efficiency of functioning of the corporate systems of application applied in the information and telecommunication environment are stated. technologies.

Ladyk OI , Lebedev OM Fundamentals of discrete circuitry: Textbook. way. / For ed. M.Yu. Ilchenko – K .: NTUU “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky”, 2006 – 216 p. Under the seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The circuitry of modern discrete element base of radio-electronic equipment for various purposes, telecommunication systems, computer and measuring equipment, control and automation systems, etc. is considered. The basics of construction of discrete semiconductor and electrovacuum elements, physical bases of their work in static and dynamic modes, parameters and volt-ampere characteristics, their application in units of electronic equipment are stated. For students of higher educational institutions in the fields of training in telecommunications, electronic and computer technology, etc.

Lebedev OM, Ladyk OI Digital circuitry. / edited by Ilchenko M.Yu. – К .: Арістей, 2005. – 247 с.
The textbook discusses the analysis and synthesis of digital elements and devices that are the basis of the modern element base of electronic equipment for various purposes – telecommunications systems, computers and measuring equipment, control and automation systems, microprocessor technology and more. The basics of algebra of logic and circuitry of digital elements and devices are stated: logic elements, electronic keys, triggers, digital nodes, the principle of their work, designation, parameters and characteristics and circuit execution on their basis of integrated circuits. training “Telecommunications”, “Computer Science”, “Radio Engineering”, “Automation”, etc. and study disciplines “Analog and Digital Electronics”, “Digital Engineering and Microprocessors”, “Fundamentals of Circuit Engineering”, “Fundamentals of Councils oelektroniky “,” Fundamentals of Microelectronics “and others.

Lebedev OM, Ladyk OI Digital technology. – K .: Polytechnic, 2004. – 320 p.
The issues of analysis and synthesis of digital elements and devices, which are the basis of modern element base of electronic equipment for various purposes – telecommunication systems, computers and measuring equipment, control and automation systems, microprocessor technology, etc. are considered. The basics of algebra of logic and circuitry of digital elements and devices are stated: logic elements, keys, triggers, pulse signal generators, the principle of their work, designation, parameters and characteristics and circuit execution on their basis of integrated circuits. training “Electronic devices”, “Telecommunications”, “Radio engineering” and study disciplines “Analog and digital electronics”, “Digital engineering and microprocessors”, “Fundamentals of circuitry”, “Fundamentals of radio electronics” , “Fundamentals of microelectronics” and other disciplines in radio engineering, radio electronics, computer engineering, telecommunications.

SVTolyupa, OILadyk Electroradio materials and passive electronic elements of communication equipment and ACS. – K .: NTUU “KPI”, 2004.
This publication is a textbook on “Chemistry and Electrical Materials”, written in accordance with the course “Fundamentals of Circuitry”. This textbook contains material on the structure of substances, basic physical phenomena and properties of electrical materials, as well as the main passive elements of electronic and communication technology in discrete and integrated performance. and can also be used in other higher and secondary special educational institutions in the field of radio electronics and telecommunications.

Globa LS Mathematical bases of construction of information and telecommunication networks. – K .: Polytechnic, 2003. – 276 p.The basics of the complex methodology of synthesis of the optimal structure of the distributed, in particular in the Intranet network, information environment and the analysis of efficiency of functioning of the corporate systems of applied function distributed in the information and telecommunication environment. For students of technical specialties of higher educational institutions.