Educational program
Educational program (specialization) “Information and Communication Technologies” provides fundamental theoretical and applied practical training in the general program of knowledge “Electronics and Telecommunications”, specialty “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering” at three levels of higher education: bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy.
The educational program is aimed at mastering special knowledge of:
- design of heterogeneous software and hardware platforms that provide modern communication and Internet services any time any place that operate in global environment;
- design of “cloud” (software-defined) data centers in combination with modern 3G, 4G and 5G communication networks;
- construction and use of the latest IoT(Internet of Things) communication system;
- design of software and hardware platforms, data processing nodes, intelligent means of their interaction;
- creation of energy-efficient intelligent protocols and means of parallel, collective processing of large amounts of information in data center nodes, the use of cloud resources and services.

Content of the educational program
The concept of information society becomes dominant in the development strategy of civilized countries, in which information and communication technologies and systems become the material basis. The information society is formed as a global one, in which business activity flows into the information and communication environment – a large-scale infrastructure, which is an interconnected set of global and regional systems, as well as protocols and algorithms for interacting components of these systems, and is designed to meet personal, social -group and public information and communication needs. Increasingly, the world’s extensive information and communication systems penetrate not only into the economic sphere, but also into medicine, culture, sports, environmental control and other areas of human activity, creating powerful globally distributed portals of information search, processing and storage services.
The global information and communication infrastructure is able to provide a full range of infocommunication services (in any geographical location, guaranteed quality, reasonable cost, at any time) based on traditional and innovative information and communication technologies, remote Cloud Data Centers.
Educational program “Information and Communication Technologies” – ICT is aimed at training professionals at the educational and qualification levels of bachelor, master, PhD, who are able to meet the key trends in ICT, namely the merge (convergence) of information and communication technologies creating information and communication systems where while transferring the information, telecommunications and information means act as a whole.
The bachelor’s degree provides graduates with competencies in the theoretical foundations of building, configuring, managing, monitoring and diagnosing the information and communication infrastructure of telecom operators and Internet service providers.
The master’s level provides the acquisition of competencies for the development, design and creation of hardware and software infrastructure, heterogeneous Internet-based environments, cloud technologies in combination with modern 3G, 4G and 5G communication networks.
The level of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) provides the acquisition of competencies in research and development of the information and communication technologies, the creation and implementation of technologies for pervasive computing, IoT, BigData.
Cooperation with leading companies – developers of specialized software, including Microsoft, Ericsson, EPAM, Huawei, Nokia Corporation, as well as telecom operators and Internet service providers adapts our graduates to work in these companies and companies engaged in :
- information and communication technologies;
- software platforms and services;
- databases;
- information repositories;
- data centers;
- calculations in the global environment for administrative positions;
As developers of Internet services and administrators of data centers, databases, electronic information repositories.

They study: technologies, languages and programming tools, construction of software and hardware platforms for Internet services and services, approaches to creating, managing and maintaining software and hardware infrastructure of telecom operators, Internet service providers, elements of a heterogeneous environment based on the Internet, Intranet, cloud technologies in combination with modern 3G, 4G and 5G-communication networks to provide quality customer service, IoT (Internet of Things) technology, organization of information interaction.
Can work: in data centers and software services of international and local telecommunications companies, in the structure of the IT operator, mobile operator companies, in IT companies that use software-defined core networks, provide communication services and the Internet, developers of special software, in technical departments of banks and organizations of various forms of ownership that use networking technologies.