Specialty: Telecommunication and Radio Engineering (#172) Educational program: Information and Сommunication Technologies

Feature of students of department of Information and Telecommunication Networks (ITN) training is knowledge getting in the sphere of information technologies for the modern infocommunication systems development and further support of their functioning.
During education process students study:
– modern programming language and technology,
– environment of software products development,
– process of services and software web-agents designinig,
– the business-procees desining and means of their testing,
– the means of software components analysis, optimization and integration.
Students get abilities to design, develop, implement and carry out support of the various types of information systems functioning, particular in the sphere of communication services provision, Internet-based systems and cloud data centers support, support of the analytics and decision-making systems that operate in global Internet-based infrastructure.

At department considerable attention is paid to work in modern program environments with realization of remote access to really functioning data centers, databanks and the distributed information systems. Such training is carried out in real time, and as an entry point the equipment of department laboratories is used. This process develops students’ skills of remote work with big arrays of the distributed information that are physically kept in the storages located worldwide.
The department curriculum is modified according to current trends of the infocommunication systems development. With emerging of modern challenges in the field of information and communication technologies into the curriculum it was entered disciplines which provide basic knowledge on Data Science (Science about Data), Business, Intellectual data processing (Data and knowledge Mining), Big Data processing and IoT (the Internet of things), M2M (communication between machines).
ITN department is one of the “youngest” departments of our university in terms of teachers age classification. However, despite young age, 80% of teachers of our department have academic degrees, scientific ranks and is highly qualified specialists in the field of infocommunication. Teachers of department have extensive practical experience thanks to parallel operation over projects in the leading IT companies of Ukraine.

For many years the department cooperates with the known foreign universities, namely: Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Anhalt University of Applied Science (Germany) and Universities of France and Spain. Thanks to such cooperation students have an opportunity to participate in joint research projects, short-term scientific trips in these universities.
There is the Double Master Degree Program on ITN department. The students who take part in this Program get two diplomas during two years in parallel studing in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Technical University of Dresden.

For many years the Department cooperates with the known foreign universities, namely: Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Anhalt University of Applied Science (Germany) and Universities of France and Spain. Thanks to such cooperation students have an opportunity to participate in joint research projects, short-term scientific trips to these Universities.
There is the Double Master Degree Program on ITN department. The students who take part in this Program get two diplomas during two years in parallel studing in the Kiev Polytechnic Institute of Igor Sikorsky and Technical University of Dresden.