The Technical University of Dresden (Technische Universität Dresden, abbreviated TUD) is one of the largest universities in Dresden and Saxony. In terms of the number of students, the Technical University of Dresden ranks first among technical universities in Germany.
For those who choose the Technical University of Dresden, excellent conditions are created for studying, work and living.

Representatives from 120 countries study and work at the Technical University of Dresden. Approximately 1,100 young foreigners choose this educational institution each year. 35,000 students study in the Technical University of Dresden, 10% of whom are foreigners. The Technical University of Dresden is the largest university in Saxony and is considered to be one of the oldest and most honorable German universities. This higher educational institution has won the title of one of the best research universities in the competition for the best university in Germany.
In addition, the Technical University of Dresden has obtained authorization to set up its own research center as well as an academic school. To achieve this goal, this institution was provided with financial assistance in the amount of one million dollars! The Technical University of Dresden owes its success primarily to a well-established research strategy. The researches conducted here are characterized by a high level of quality and interdisciplinarity, as well as international nature. They combine basic and applied researches, special attention is paid to certain research objectives. Thus, the main goal of the scientific research, the Technical University of Dresden choose aforehand the so-called specific areas of researching.
New researches are also the basis for better university education in future. Although the Technical University of Dresden is known primarily for its long tradition of researching in the field of technical sciences, today it is the university providing a wide range of different academic disciplines, including the natural, social and human sciences. About 100 different specialties are offered at 14 faculties. After graduating from the Technical University of Dresden, you can get a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

Students of the Technical University of Dresden study in the lecture halls and seminar rooms, equipped with the latest technologies, conduct experiments in new laboratories, attend sports sections, student clubs and canteens. The university libraries provide favorable conditions for studying. The listed above aspects reflect the results of the survey conducted within the country: students of the Technical University of Dresden are more satisfied with their studies than students of other universities. Thanks to such a perfect level of education, graduates of this university have the best prospects in the employment market both in Germany and abroad.
Numerous contacts have been established at the Technical University of Dresden with research institutions and economic partners outside the university. This collaboration is very useful for students. Students and the younger generation of future researchers are involved aforehand in major research projects that the Technical University of Dresden is working on in partnership with three Dresden Max-Planck Institutes, the Fraunhofer Institute, AMD, Vodafone, Siemens and others.
Dresden is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. This city offers many opportunities for recreation: museums, theaters, operettas, movies, music festivals, sports sections, pubs, student clubs, hiking and biking trails, etc. It is known for its low subsistence level, as well as for its high standard of living, which is facilitated by the high level of development of culture and art, as well as the beautiful landscapes near the Elbe. In the students’ segment of consumer services, as well as in the housing market, students can find inexpensive living space in dormitories, rooms and apartments. Public transport fare is already included in the cost of a student’s semester ticket.
Those students who choose the Technical University of Dresden to study, just before the educational process starts, get the support from the university. Special language courses prepare students for successful studying in Dresden. In addition, throughout the first semester, tutors offer foreign students of different faculties their help in the educational process. The Das Career Network of the Technical University of Dresden provides career advice or job search.

Requirements for students
Bachelor’s degree in telecommunications Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Recommendation of the department for the master’s degree program
Fluency in English (IELTS 6.0 certificate, TOEFL 550 points or a certificate issued by the Department of Foreign Languages of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute)
Basic knowledge of German
Participation in scientific work and scientific projectsSuccessfully passed general entrance exams to the two-year master’s program “Distributed Systems Engineering”
The selection of students will be carried out by a joint commission of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and TUD
For more information, please contact Rina Leonidivna Novogrudska (30k, room 316).

Beginning of the way to Dresden
Education at TU of Dresden
Training in accordance with the program is conducted on a contractual basis: at the students’ own expense or at the expense of scholarships received by them. Depending on how successful and active students are in their study and research work, they have the opportunity to receive scholarships as financial support for participation in the program. The number of scholarships is limited.
The approximate period of study – 2 years. During the first year students study at “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, during the second year they study in TUD. The student has two research advisors: from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and TUD. Master’s theses are defended in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and TUD.
At each of the partner universities, students study in accordance with local tuition and examination regulations. While studying at TUD, the student continues to study in accordance with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute curriclum (3-4 semesters).
During the period of study at TUD, a student has to fulfil totalling 120 credits – 30 credits per semester. The training program consists of obligatory subjects (30 credits), optional courses (48 credits), practice (12 credits) and writing and defending a master’s thesis (30 credits). Results for some of the optional courses and practice can be re-credited from the educational process in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The list of subjects studied in TUD in more detail.
Students are independently responsible for obtaining insurance and must submit it when enrolling in a partner university. The Joint Commission establishes rules regarding the funding of students participating in the program. These rules will be adopted in accordance with the local legal restrictions of each partner university.