The department regularly holds scientific seminars at which young scientists and graduate students present the results of their own research and studies. After the reports, they are intensively discussed by the audience, advice, wishes and comments are expressed. Scientific seminars help young scientists to adjust the direction of scientific research, to adjust their methods. During the seminars there is also an acquaintance with the latest scientific achievements in the field of telecommunications.
The autumn series of scientific seminars of the department begins on October 7, 2020. Schedule of works in online format:
7.10. Natalia Hvozdetska
21.10. Prokopets Vladimir
3.11. Yuri Bugaenko
16.11. Kurdecha Vasil
Start 16:00.
Phone: (044) 204-98-91
Address: Industrial Lane 2, Kyiv
The management and staff of the department are very grateful for the development of the website of the department, which took place in the framework of undergraduate practice, student Savchuk Zakhar as the main developer and team of 4th year students: Kormulev Alexander, Drabkin Denis, Zadoenko Bogdan, Bray Anastasiia, Vlasenko Tetiana, Volosianko Kyryl , Kondratets Andrii, Ovcharenko Ivan, as well as teachers of the department who led the development process: Associate Professor Alekseev M.O. and senior teacher Sulima S.V.