Admission to the master's degree
Admission rules
Terms of study:
Master’s degree in educational and scientific training program – 1 year 9 months
Master’s degree in educational and professional training program – 1 year 4 months
- Rules of admission to the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” in 2021
- The procedure for organizing and conducting entrance examinations for admission to the second (master’s) level of higher education
- Regulations on admission to study for a master’s degree and individual bachelor’s degree programs in 2021
- Comprehensive professional test program for admission to the training program Information and communication technologies
- The composition of the ITS certification commission for admission to the master’s degree in 2021
- The procedure for accruing additional points for creative achievements when entering the master’s program
- Useful links:
If you are entering the master’s program, you will need to take a single entrance exam in a foreign language in the form of an EIT, and for this – to register for the EIT from May 11 to June 3 (until 18.00) and June 30 to pass English, German, Spanish or French . This year, the only entrance exam in a foreign language must pass all entrants to the master’s program Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute without exception. The only entrance exam in a foreign language or simply an external examination in a foreign language for admission to a master’s degree will be conducted according to the same program as for admission to the first year on the basis of general secondary education, except for parts “Written speech” and “Language comprehension by ear”. Applicants to the master’s program will consist only of parts “Reading” and “Use of language”. Last year’s external evaluation results are credited as well.
Have you decided to change your profession after receiving a bachelor’s degree? There is no need to take an additional entrance exam this year.
Have you decided to change your profession after receiving a bachelor’s degree? There is no need to take an additional entrance exam this year.